Riyaaz – September 2021
September 2021
After all the anticipation and delays, the first offline sessions were held in September. In the green and quiet precincts of Pradan campus, Kesla (M.P.), not just the days but also nights were spent taking forward the work that had been done in the previous months. Rapid sketching, model study, and some other basic exercises such as colour mixing, exploring in-between shades, and turning study into illustration were undertaken in the week-long workshop. The students were also initiated into the book-making process as each of them as assigned a poem or a story which shall go to the press as picture books before the year ends. The respective texts were discussed, designs pondered, and dummies created in the course of the week. This project shall be carried on with in the months to follow as well. Acknowledging the intermingled existence of arts, the Riyaazees also landed the golden chance of having several baithaks with Mr. Ajey Mishra, a Hindustani classical vocalist and instructor. They listened to him, sang along with him, and also painted as he sang to try and see if musical notes and brushstrokes have a mezzaterra in the sentient world.

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